Cannasupplies Surplus sale is available as of May 2022.
Take advantage of reduced pricing on limited production lots, as we make room in our warehouse for new packaging innovations.
Complete the form below to learn more about surplus inventory and reduced sales pricing.
Pricing applicable to select surplus production lots only. Available while quantities last.
Cannasupplies 5inch preroll tube with smooth sided CR compatible lug cap Cannasupplies 3oz double shell PP jar, 63mm neck, for dried flower CanDab9 Concentrate packaging Cannasupplies 1oz/GL18 PET bottle with integrated PIBA Cap Fluted paper inserts inside CRATIV Slim pack Cannasupplies 116mm pop-top tube Cannasupplies 9oz 70mm PET wide mouth jar for 14grams dried flower, with compatible CR closure Cannasupplies 19oz PET jar with compatible 89mm CR closure for 28 grams of dried flower